Monday, February 25, 2008

Saturday 2/23/08

Lord you bless me…
You give me revelations and appoint me to serve you and those you love. Thank you for choosing me!

I can't sleep because I love them, your children and my friends.

I am overwhelmed by your blessings. I am inspired by your offerings of love and understanding. Help me use your love and wisdom to save the lost and free the captive.

You are the light that shines before me. My joy is complete in you alone. Allow me to capture the words you speak.

You give me multiple instances of your design and love. I can't stop thinking about you. My eyes are wide open filled with energy within. Your spirit indwells and charges me from the inside out.

All the lessons I have been learning daily become unmistakably clear. Let no word be lost or forgotten.

Blessed be your name!

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